Excerpts from Doug Wiegley's message of 2014-06-10 14:41:29 -0700:
> Of what use is a database that randomly delete rows?  That is, in effect, 
> what you’re allowing.
> The secrets are only useful when paired with a service.  And unless I’m 
> mistaken, there’s no undo.  So you’re letting users shoot themselves in the 
> foot, for what reason, exactly?  How do you expect openstack to rely on a 
> data store that is fundamentally random at the whim of users?  Every single 
> service that uses Barbican will now have to hack in a defense mechanism of 
> some kind, because they can’t trust that the secret they rely on will still 
> be there later.  Which defeats the purpose of this mission statement:  
> "Barbican is a ReST API designed for the secure storage, provisioning and 
> management of secrets.”
> (And I don’t think anyone is suggesting that blind refcounts are the answer.  
> At least, I hope not.)
> Anyway, I hear this has already been decided, so, so be it.  Sounds like 
> we’ll hack around it.

Doug, nobody is calling Barbican "a database". It is a place to store

The idea is to loosely couple things, and if you need more assurances,
use something like Heat to manage the relationships.

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