
Tail-f driver seems to be configured correctly. DriverLog will poll Gerrit
in the next 4 hours and update driver details screen.
Regarding green mark on summary screen - it is shown for those drivers that
have configured CI and CI ran at least once. But it doesn't take into
account when the last successful run was. I suppose this mark may be
changed to something like "CI health" and be green only if tests passed on
master and were run during the last month.


2014-06-10 18:33 GMT+04:00 Luke Gorrie <l...@tail-f.com>:

> Howdy!
> Here is a successful Sandbox test from right now:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/99061/. I don't immediately see how to
> list all historical sandbox tests. (The previous ones are from before the
> Summit anyway.)
> I enabled the CI for the openstack/neutron Gerrit feed now. Here is a
> change that it tested right now: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95526/.
> (Voting is disabled on the account and the config conservatively is set to
> vote 0 on failure.)
> Yes, I believe you can just submit a patch to DriverLog to reflect the
>> current status.
> DriverLog is sourced from default_data.json (
> https://github.com/stackforge/driverlog/blob/master/etc/default_data.json#L1007)?
> If so then it does reflect the current status:
>             "ci": {
>                 "id": "tailfncs",
>                 "success_pattern": "Successful",
>                 "failure_pattern": "Failed"
>             }
> i.e. it specifies which CI account is associated with this driver, and
> that corresponds to a CI that is now up and running.
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