Interesting stuff.
Do you think that we can get rid of Astute at some point being purely
replaced by Salt?
And listening for the commands from Fuel?
Can you please clarify, does the suggested approach implies that we can
have both puppet & SaltStack? Even if you ever switch to anything
different, it is important to provide a smooth and step-by-step way for it.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 6:05 AM, Dmitriy Shulyak <>

> Hi folks,
> I know that sometime ago saltstack was evaluated to be used as
> orchestrator in fuel, so I've prepared some initial specification, that
> addresses basic points of integration, and general requirements for
> orchestrator.
> In my opinion saltstack perfectly fits our needs, and we can benefit from
> using mature orchestrator, that has its own community. I still dont have
> all the answers, but , anyway, i would like to ask all of you to start a
> review for specification
> I will place it in fuel-docs repo as soon as specification will be full
> enough to start POC, or if you think that spec should placed there as is, i
> can do it now
> Thank you
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