My vote is for option #2 (without the registration). It is simpler to start 
with this approach. How is delete handled though?

Ex. What is the expectation when user attempts to delete a 
certificate/container which is referred by an entity like LBaaS listener?

1.       Will there be validation in Barbican to prevent this? *OR*

2.       LBaaS listener will have a dangling reference/pointer to certificate?

Vijay V.

From: Stephen Balukoff []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:43 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Barbican Neutron LBaaS 
Integration Ideas

Weighing in here:

I'm all for option #2 as well.


On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 4:42 PM, Clint Byrum 
<<>> wrote:
Excerpts from Douglas Mendizabal's message of 2014-06-09 16:08:02 -0700:
> Hi all,
> I’m strongly in favor of having immutable TLS-typed containers, and very
> much opposed to storing every revision of changes done to a container.  I
> think that storing versioned containers would add too much complexity to
> Barbican, where immutable containers would work well.
Agree completely. Create a new one for new values. Keep the old ones
while they're still active.

> I’m still not sold on the idea of registering services with Barbican, even
> though (or maybe especially because) Barbican would not be using this data
> for anything.  I understand the problem that we’re trying to solve by
> associating different resources across projects, but I don’t feel like
> Barbican is the right place to do this.
Agreed also, this is simply not Barbican or Neutron's role. Be a REST
API for secrets and networking, not all dancing all singing nannies that
prevent any possibly dangerous behavior with said API's.

> It seems we’re leaning towards option #2, but I would argue that
> orchestration of services is outside the scope of Barbican’s role as a
> secret-store.  I think this is a problem that may need to be solved at a
> higher level.  Maybe an openstack-wide registry of dependend entities
> across services?
An optional openstack-wide registry of depended entities is called

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Stephen Balukoff
Blue Box Group, LLC
(800)613-4305 x807
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