Hi Devananda,

it is interesting. I think that we can invite Nova as well and join our efforts at one place. It will be like a tiny (more focused) summit but it sounds that all projects can benefit a lot from it. What do you think?

[added Nova tag to the subject]

Nova folks, what do you think? Would you like to join our mid-cycle meeting and have TripleO & Ironic & Heat & Nova teams together at one place?

More details about place, dates and attendees are here:

-- Jarda

On 2014/29/05 19:26, Devananda van der Veen wrote:
Hi Jaromir,

I agree that the midcycle meetup with TripleO and Ironic was very
beneficial last cycle, but this cycle, Ironic is co-locating its sprint
with Nova. Our focus needs to be working with them to merge the
nova.virt.ironic driver. Details will be forthcoming as we work out the
exact details with Nova. That said, I'll try to make the TripleO sprint
as well -- assuming the dates don't overlap.


On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Jaromir Coufal <jcou...@redhat.com
<mailto:jcou...@redhat.com>> wrote:

    Hi to all,

    after previous TripleO & Ironic mid-cycle meetup, which I believe
    was beneficial for all, I would like to suggest that we meet again
    in the middle of Juno cycle to discuss current progress, blockers,
    next steps and of course get some beer all together :)

    Last time, TripleO and Ironic merged their meetings together and I
    think it was great idea. This time I would like to invite also Heat
    team if they want to join. Our cooperation is increasing and I think
    it would be great, if we can discuss all issues together.

    Red Hat offered to host this event, so I am very happy to invite you
    all and I would like to ask, who would come if there was a mid-cycle
    meetup in following dates and place:

    * July 28 - Aug 1
    * Red Hat office, Raleigh, North Carolina

    If you are intending to join, please, fill yourselves into this

    -- Jarda

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