> I didn't realize it would violate Django community's conventions, can you
> point to where they are documented?

There's no single document that says "you must name this way", but if you look 
at all the most popular django packages, they all follow a similar trend.

The Django tutorial does actually offer some advice: 

Effectively, they say that when submitting the package name to PyPI or other 
distribution sites, that prepending "django-" is a good idea to make it clear 
to what it applies, but the actual python package import name is always the 
part following the "-". Look at the majority of the popular packages on 
djangopackages.com and they all follow the same convention.

So in this case normally you'd publish the package on PyPI as "django-horizon" 
but "import horizon" in python.

> I don't think this is important, but since we have some time until the patches
> for static files and other stuff clear, we could have a poll for the name.
> Gabriel, would you like to run that?

I can run that if you like, though it might be more official coming from the 
PTL. ;-)

    - Gabriel

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