
As stated, this could either be handled by SSL session ID persistency or by SSL 
termination and using cookie based persistency options.
If there is no need to inspect the content hence to terminate the SSL 
connection on the load balancer for this sake, than using SSL session ID based 
persistency is obviously a much more efficient way.
The reference to source client IP changing was to negate the use of source IP 
as the stickiness algorithm.


From: Trevor Vardeman [mailto:trevor.varde...@rackspace.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:26 PM
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Use Case Question


I'm looking through the use-cases doc for review, and I'm confused about one of 
them.  I'm familiar with HTTP cookie based session persistence, but to satisfy 
secure-traffic for this case would there be decryption of content, injection of 
the cookie, and then re-encryption?  Is there another session persistence type 
that solves this issue already?  I'm copying the doc link and the use case 
specifically; not sure if the document order would change so I thought it would 
be easiest to include both :)

Use Cases:  

Specific Use Case:  A project-user wants to make his secured web based 
application (HTTPS) highly available. He has n VMs deployed on the same private 
subnet/network. Each VM is installed with a web server (ex: apache) and 
content. The application requires that a transaction which has started on a 
specific VM will continue to run against the same VM. The application is also 
available to end-users via smart phones, a case in which the end user IP might 
change. The project-user wishes to represent them to the application users as a 
web application available via a single IP.

-Trevor Vardeman
OpenStack-dev mailing list

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