On 22/04/14 14:43 -0400, Zane Bitter wrote:
Resending with [Heat] in the subject line. My bad.

On 22/04/14 14:21, Zane Bitter wrote:
I'd like to propose that we add Thomas Spatzier to the heat-core team.



Thomas has been involved in and consistently contributing to the Heat
community for around a year, since the time of the Havana design summit.
His code reviews are of extremely high quality IMO, and he has been
reviewing at a rate consistent with a member of the core team[1].

One thing worth addressing is that Thomas has only recently started
expanding the focus of his reviews from HOT-related changes out into the
rest of the code base. I don't see this as an obstacle - nobody is
familiar with *all* of the code, and we trust core reviewers to know
when we are qualified to give +2 and when we should limit ourselves to
+1 - and as far as I know nobody else is bothered either. However, if
you have strong feelings on this subject nobody will take it personally
if you speak up :)

Heat Core team members, please vote on this thread. A quick reminder of
your options[2]:
+1  - five of these are sufficient for acceptance
 0  - abstention is always an option
-1  - this acts as a veto


[1] http://russellbryant.net/openstack-stats/heat-reviewers-30.txt

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