(2014/04/21 18:10), Oleg Bondarev wrote:

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 9:10 PM, Kyle Mestery 
<mest...@noironetworks.com<mailto:mest...@noironetworks.com>> wrote:
On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 8:52 AM, Oleg Bondarev 
<obonda...@mirantis.com<mailto:obonda...@mirantis.com>> wrote:
> Hi all,
> While investigating possible options for Nova-network to Neutron migration
> I faced a couple of issues with libvirt.
> One of the key requirements for the migration is that instances should stay
> running and don't need restarting. In order to meet this requirement we need
> to either attach new nic to the instance or update existing one to plug it
> to the Neutron network.
Thanks for looking into this Oleg! I just wanted to mention that if
we're trying to plug a new NIC into the VM, this will likely require
modifications in the guest. The new NIC will likely have a new PCI ID,
MAC, etc., and thus the guest would have to switch to this. Therefor,
I think it may be better to try and move the existing NIC from a nova
network onto a neutron network.

Yeah, I agree that modifying the existing NIC is the preferred way.

Thanks for investigating ways of migrating from nova-network to neutron.
I think we need to define the levels of the migration.
We can't satisfy all requirements at the same time, so we need to 
some reasonable limitations on the migration.

- datapath downtime
  - no downtime
  - a small period of downtime
  - rebooting an instnace
- API and management plane downtime
- Combination of the above

I think modifying the existing NIC requires plug and unplug an device in some 
(plug/unplug an network interface to VM? move a tap device from nova-network
to neutron bridge?). It leads to a small downtime. On the other hand, adding a 
interface requires a geust to deal with network migration (though it can 
provide no downtime migration as an infra level).
IMO a small downtime can be accepted in cloud use cases and it is a good start 


> So what I've discovered is that attaching a new network device is only
> applied
> on the instance after reboot although VIR_DOMAIN_AFFECT_LIVE flag is passed
> to
> the libvirt call attachDeviceFlags():
> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py#L1412
> Is that expected? Are there any other options to apply new nic without
> reboot?
> I also tried to update existing nic of an instance by using libvirt
> updateDeviceFlags() call,
> but it fails with the following:
> 'this function is not supported by the connection driver: cannot modify
> network device configuration'
> libvirt API spec (http://libvirt.org/hvsupport.html) shows that 0.8.0 as
> minimal
> qemu version for the virDomainUpdateDeviceFlags call, kvm --version on my
> setup shows
> 'QEMU emulator version 1.0 (qemu-kvm-1.0)'
> Could someone please point what am I missing here?
What does "libvirtd -V" show for the libvirt version? On my Fedora 20
setup, I see the following:

[kmestery@fedora-mac neutron]$ libvirtd -V
libvirtd (libvirt)
[kmestery@fedora-mac neutron]$

On my Ubuntu 12.04 it shows:
 $ libvirtd --version
 libvirtd (libvirt) 0.9.8


> Any help on the above is much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> Oleg
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