On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 5:32 AM, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net> wrote:

> On 04/18/2014 12:03 AM, Scott Devoid wrote:
> > So I have had a chance to look over the whole review history again. I
> > agree with Sean Dague and Dean Troyer's concerns that the current patch
> > affects code outside of lib/storage and extras.d. We should make the
> > Devstack extension system more flexible to allow for more extensions.
> > Although I am not sure if this responsibility falls completely in the
> > lap of those wishing to integrate Ceph.
> Where should it fall? This has been pretty common with trying to bring
> in anything major, the general plumbing needs to come from that same
> effort. It's also a pretty sane litmus test on whether this is a drive
> by contribution that will get no support in the future (and thus just
> expect Dean and I to go fix things), or something which will have
> someone actively contributing to keep things working in the future.

The issue is that it is very easy to suggest new features and refactoring
when you are very familiar with the codebase. To a newcomer, though, you
are basically asking me to do something that is impossible, so the logical
interpretation is you're telling me to "go away".

> > What is more concerning though is the argument that /even when the Ceph
> > patch meets these standards/ /it will still have to be pulled in from
> > some external source. /Devstack is a central part of OpenStack's test
> > and development system. Core projects depend upon it to develop and test
> > drivers. As an operator, I use it to understand how changes might affect
> > my production system. Documentation. Bug Triage. Outreach. Each of these
> > tasks and efforts benefit from having a curated and maintained set
> > extras in the mainline codebase. Particularly extras that are already
> > represented by mainline drivers in other projects.
> My concern is that there is a lot of code in devstack. And every time I
> play with a different set of options we don't enable in the gate, things
> get brittle. For instance, Fedora support gets broken all the time,
> because it's not tested in the gate.
> Something as big as using ceph for storage back end across a range of
> services is big. And while there have been patches, I've yet to see
> anyone volunteer 3rd party testing here to help us keep it working. Or
> the long term commitment of being part of the devstack community
> reviewing patches and fixing other bugs, so there is some confidence
> that if people try to use this it works.

100% agree. I was under the impression that integration of the ceph patches
into devstack was a precursor to a 3rd party gate on ceph functionality. We
have some VM resources to contribute to 3rd party tests, but I would need
assistance in setting that up.

> Some of the late reverts in nova for icehouse hit this same kind of
> issue, where once certain rbd paths were lit in the code base within
> 24hrs we had user reports coming back of things exploding. That makes me
> feel like there are a lot of daemons lurking here, and if this is going
> to be a devstack mode, and that people are going to use a lot, then it
> needs to be something that's tested.
> If the user is pulling the devstack plugin from a 3rd party location,
> then it's clear where the support needs to come from. If it's coming
> from devstack, people are going to be private message pinging me on IRC
> when it doesn't work (which happens all the time).

I see your motivations here. There are systems to help us with this though:
redirect them to ask.openstack.org or bugs.launchpad.net and have them ping
you with the link. Delegate replies to others. I try to answer any
questions that pop up on #openstack but I need to look at the
ask.openstack.org queue more often. Perhaps we need to put more focus on
organizing community support and offloading that task from PTLs and core

> That being said, there are 2 devstack sessions available at design
> summit. So proposing something around addressing the ceph situation
> might be a good one. It's a big and interesting problem.
>         -Sean
> --
> Sean Dague
> Samsung Research America
> s...@dague.net / sean.da...@samsung.com
> http://dague.net
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