I appreciate that Zane! I’ll set up at least ten alarm clocks to wake up on 
time :)

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

On 18 Apr 2014, at 06:44, Zane Bitter <zbit...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On 17/04/14 00:34, Renat Akhmerov wrote:
>> Ooh, I confused the day of meeting :(. My apologies, I’m in a completely 
>> different timezone (for me it’s in the middle of night) so I strongly 
>> believed it was on a different day. I’ll be there next time.
> Yeah, it's really unfortunate that it falls right at midnight UTC, because it 
> makes the dates really confusing :/ It's technically correct though, so it's 
> hard to know what to do to make it less confusing.
> We ended up pretty short on time anyway, so it worked out well ;) I just 
> added it to the agenda for next week, and hopefully that meeting time should 
> be marginally more convenient for you anyway.
> cheers,
> Zane.
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