On 9 April 2014 00:48, Chris Jones <c...@tenshu.net> wrote:
> Hi
>> On 8 Apr 2014, at 11:20, Sean Dague <s...@dague.net> wrote:
>> I think Phil is dead on. I'll also share the devstack experience here.
>> Until we provided the way for arbitrary pass through we were basically
>> getting a few patches every week that were "let me configure this
>> variable in the configs".... over and over again.
> +1
> We can't be in the business of prescribing what users can/can't configure in 
> the daemons they are using us to deploy.

I think this points to a misapprehension about what I was saying that
I think other folk in the thread have had too - and I'm not going to
try to reply to each individually :).

The question isn't about prescribing limits - of course anyone can
configure anything.

The question is /how/. Do we model it? Do we punt and pass everything
through? Do we model some stuff?

-lots- of complexity in these setups is tied entirely to 'all servers
running X need Y' style questions which is where Heats value /should/
shine through - but we don't want every deployer to have to learn Heat
on day one of their deploy - so we need a way to:

 - deliver a great out of the box experience
 - let higher order configuration - cluster aware - be done well
 - whilst also surfacing the plumbing as needed.

Right now we have no differentiation between plumbing exposure and
semantically modelled configuration, and I think thats a problem.

I *loved* Dan's answer :)


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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