For some guests we use the LVM imagebackend and there are times when the
guest is deleted on accident. Humans, being what they are, don't back up
their files and don't take care of important data, so it is not uncommon to
use lvrestore and "undelete" an instance so that people can get their data.
Of course, this is not always possible if the data has been subsequently
overwritten. But it is common enough that I imagine most of our operators
are familiar with how to do it. So I guess my saying that we do it on a
regular basis is not quite accurate. Probably would be better to say that
it is not uncommon to do this, but definitely not a daily task or something
of that ilk.

I have personally "undeleted" an instance a few times after accidental
deletion also. I can't remember the specifics, but I do remember doing it


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Johannes Erdfelt <>wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014, Mike Wilson <> wrote:
> > Undeleting things is an important use case in my opinion. We do this in
> our
> > environment on a regular basis. In that light I'm not sure that it would
> be
> > appropriate just to log the deletion and git rid of the row. I would like
> > to see it go to an archival table where it is easily restored.
> I'm curious, what are you undeleting and why?
> JE
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