FYI, here's the log for the OpenStack GSoC meeting we just wrapped up

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Davanum Srinivas <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Mentors:
> * Please click on "My Dashboard" then "Connect with organizations" and
> request a connection as a mentor (on the GSoC web site -
> Students:
> * Please see the Application template you will need to fill in on the GSoC 
> site.
> * Please click on "My Dashboard" then "Connect with organizations" and
> request a connection
> Both Mentors and Students:
> Let's meet on #openstack-gsoc channel on Thursday 9:00 AM EDT / 13:00
> UTC for about 30 mins to meet and greet since all application deadline
> is next week. If this time is not convenient, please send me a note
> and i'll arrange for another time say on friday as well.
> We need to get an idea of how many slots we need to apply for based on
> really strong applications with properly fleshed out project ideas and
> mentor support. Hoping the meeting on IRC will nudge the students and
> mentors work towards that goal.
> Thanks,
> dims

Davanum Srinivas ::

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