Hi Tim,

Thanks for your comments. 
Would be happy to contribute to the propsal and code.
The existing code already reflects the thoughts below, and got me
in the line of ideas. Please orrect me if I am wrong as I am 
learning with these discussions:
One part (reflected by code in "policy" directory is the generic 
"condition-> action engine" which could take logic primitives and 
(in the future) python functions, evaluate the conditions and
execute the action.  This portable core engine be used for any kind of policy 
(as by other OS projects), such as for data center monitoring and repair, 
service level enforcement, compliance policies, optimization (energy,
performance) etc... at any level of the stack.  This core engine seems possibly 
a combination of logic  reasoning/unification and python function 
evaluation, and python code actions.
Second part (reflected by code in "server") are the applications
for various purposes.  These could be project specific, task specific.
We could add a diverse set of examples.  The example I have worked
with seems closer to compliance (as in net owner, vm owner check),
and we will add more.
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:33:35 -0700
From: thinri...@vmware.com
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Congress] Policy types

Hi Prabhakar,
Thanks for the feedback.  I'd be interested to hear what other policy types you 
have in mind.
To answer your questions...
We're planning on extending our policy language in such a way that you can use 
Python functions as conditions ("<atom>" in the grammar) in rules.  That's on 
my todo-list but didn't mention it yesterday as we were short on time.  There 
will be some syntactic restrictions so that we can properly execute those 
Python functions (i.e. we need to always be able to compute the inputs to the 
function).  I had thought it was just an implementation detail I hadn't gotten 
around to (all Datalog implementations I've seen have such things), but it 
sounds like it's worth writing up a proposal and sending it around before 
implementing.  If that's a pressing concern for you, let me know and I'll bump 
it up the stack (a little).  If you'd like, feel free to draft a proposal (or 
remind me to do it once in a while).
As for actions, I typically think of them as API calls to other OS components 
like Nova.  But they could just as easily be Python functions.  But I would 
want to avoid an action that changes Congress's internal data structures 
directly (e.g. adding a new policy statement).  Such actions have caused 
trouble in the past for policy languages (though for declarative programming 
languages like Prolog they are less problematic).  I don't think there's anyway 
we can stop people from creating such actions, but I think we should advocate 
against them.  
From: "prabhakar Kudva" <nandava...@hotmail.com>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 11:34:04 AM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Congress] Policy types

Hi Tim, All,
I was in the discussion yesterday (kudva), and would like to start gradually
contributing to the code base.
So, this discussion below is based on my limited exploration of Congress
code, running it. I am trying some small pieces to implement to familiarize.
Please view it as such. As I start adding code, I am sure, my thoughts will
be more evolved.
I agree with the three types you outline. I also agree that these will grow.
We are already thinking of expanding congress for various other types of
policies.  But those would be a manageable start.
Regarding the comment below. I was wondering if all conditions, and actions
could be both:
1. python functions (for conditions they eval
2. policy primitives.  
The advantage of 1, is that it is just executed and a True or False returned
by Python for conditions. For actions, python functions are executed to respond 
to conditions.
This controls the growth of policies and adding more primitives, and makes it 
flexible (say
to use alarms, monitors, os clients, nova actions etc).
The advantage of 2, is the ability to use unification (as in unify.py) and do
some logic reduction.  This gives us the full strength of extensive and mature 
logic reasoning and reduction methods.
One possibility is that it checks which one the two it is and does the 
evaluation for condition and action.

>There are drawbacks to this proposal as well. >- We will have 3 separate 
>policies that are conceptually very similar. As the policies grow larger, it 
>will become >increasingly difficult to keep the policies synchronized. This 
>problem can be mitigated to some extent by having >all 3 share a library of 
>policy statements that they all apply in different ways (and such a library 
>mechanism is >already implemented). >- As cloud services change their 
>behavior, policies may need to be re-written. For example, right now Nova does 
>>not consult Congress before creating a VM; thus, to enforce policy 
>surrounding VMs, the best we could do is >write a Condition-Action policy that 
>adjusts VM configuration when it learns about new VMs being created. If we 
>>later make Nova consult with Congress before creating a VM, we need to write 
>an Access-control policy that puts >the proper controls in place. 
Prabhakar Kudva

 Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 10:05:23 -0700
From: thinri...@vmware.com
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Congress] Policy types

Hi all,
We started a discussion on IRC yesterday that I'd like to continue.  The main 
question is what kind of policy does a Congress user actually write?  I can see 
three options.  The first two focus on actions (API calls that make changes to 
the state of the cloud) and the last focuses on just the cloud state.  (By 
"state of the cloud" I mean all the information Congress can see about all the 
cloud services it is managing, e.g. all the information we can get through API 
calls to Nova, Neutron, Cinder, Heat, ...).
1) Access Control (e.g. Linux, XACML, AD): which *actions* can be performed by 
other cloud services (for each state of the cloud)2) Condition Action: which 
*actions* Congress should execute (for each state of the cloud)3) 
Classification (currently supported in Congress): which *states* violate 
real-world policy.   [For those of you who have read docs/white-papers/etc.  
I'm using "Classification" in this note to mean the combination of the current 
"Classification" and "Action Description" policies.]
The important observation is that each of these policies could contain 
different information from each of the others.
- Access Control vs Condition Action.  The Access Control policy tells *other 
cloud services* which actions they are *allowed* to execute.  The Condition 
Action policy tells *Congress* which actions it *must* execute.  These policies 
differ because they constrain different sets of cloud services.
- Access Control vs. Classification.  The Access Control policy might permit 
some users to violate the Classification policy in some situations  (e.g. to 
fix violation A, we might need to cause violation B before eliminating both).   
These policies differ because a violation in one policy might be be a violation 
in the other.
- Classification vs. Condition Action.  The Classification policy might imply 
which actions *could* eliminate a given violation, but the Condition Action 
policy would dictate which of those actions *should* be executed (e.g. the 
Classification policy might tell us that disconnecting a network and deleting a 
VM would both eliminate a particular violation, but the Condition Action policy 
would tell us which to choose).  And the Condition Action policy need not 
eliminate all the violations present in the Classification policy.  Again these 
policies differ because a violation in one policy might not be a violation in 
the other. 
I'm proposing that for the first release of Congress we support all 3 of these 
policies.  When a user inserts/deletes a policy statement, she chooses which 
policy it belongs to.  All would be written in basically the same syntax but 
would be used in 3 different scenarios:
- Prevention: If a component wants to consult Congress before taking action to 
see if that action is allowed, Congress checks the Access Control policy.
- Reaction: When Congress learns of a change in the cloud's state, it checks 
the Condition Action policy to see which actions should be executed (if any).
- Monitoring: If a user wants to simply check if the cloud's state is in 
compliance and monitor compliance over time, she writes and queries the 
Classification policy.
There are several benefits to this proposal.- It allows users to choose any of 
the policy types, if they only want one of them.  From our discussions with 
potential users, most seem to want one of these 3 policy types (and are 
uninterested in the others).- It makes the introduction to Congress relatively 
simple.  We describe 3 different uses of policy (Prevention, Reaction, 
Monitoring) and then explain which policy to use in which case.- This allows us 
to focus on implementing a single policy-engine technology (a Datalog policy 
language and evaluation algorithms), which gives us the opportunity to make it 
There are drawbacks to this proposal as well.  - We will have 3 separate 
policies that are conceptually very similar.  As the policies grow larger, it 
will become increasingly difficult to keep the policies synchronized.  This 
problem can be mitigated to some extent by having all 3 share a library of 
policy statements that they all apply in different ways (and such a library 
mechanism is already implemented). - As cloud services change their behavior, 
policies may need to be re-written.  For example, right now Nova does not 
consult Congress before creating a VM; thus, to enforce policy surrounding VMs, 
the best we could do is write a Condition-Action policy that adjusts VM 
configuration when it learns about new VMs being created.  If we later make 
Nova consult with Congress before creating a VM, we need to write an 
Access-control policy that puts the proper controls in place.
These drawbacks were the original motivation for supporting only the 
Classification policy and attempting to derive the Access Control and Condition 
Action policies from it.  But given that we can't always derive the proper 
Access Control and Condition Action policies from the Classification policy, we 
will eventually need support for all 3.  In addition, the technical complexity 
of supporting all 3 is much lower than supporting just the Classification 
policy and deriving the others.   
I'll stop there for now.
Comments, thoughts, questions?Tim  
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