On 03/07/2014 04:33 PM, Steve Kowalik wrote:
> On 07/03/14 12:56, John Dennis wrote:
>> Question: How do you list just the failing tests? I don't want to see
>> the contents of the logging data stored under the pythonlogging: key.
>> Ideally I'd like to see the name of the test, what the failure was, and
>> possibly the associated stacktrace. Should be simple right? But I can't
>> figure it out.
> "testr failing" or "testr failing --list". See also "testr run --failing".

Thanks, but those are exactly the problematic commands. The issue is the
output contains huge amounts of log data that obscures everything else.

>From what I can figure out the test result contains "details" which is a
set of additional information. I see two pieces of detail information


It's valuable information but I need to omit it in order to see the list
of failures.

So what I'm trying to figure out is how do I toggle the display of the
detail information so I can just get a summary of the failing tests.


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