Tracy Jones wrote:
> Hi - Please consider the image cache aging BP for FFE 
> (
> This is the last of several patches (already merged) that implement image 
> cache cleanup for the vmware driver.  This patch solves a significant 
> customer pain point as it removes unused images from their datastore.  
> Without this patch their datastore can become unnecessarily full.  In 
> addition to the customer benefit from this patch it
> 1.  has a turn off switch 
> 2.  if fully contained within the vmware driver
> 3.  has gone through functional testing with our internal QA team 
> ndipanov has been good enough to say he will review the patch, so we would 
> ask for one additional core sponsor for this FFE.
This one borders on the bug side, so if it merges early enough, I'm +1
on it.

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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