On 02/19/2014 06:29 PM, Dougal Matthews wrote:
On 19/02/14 17:10, Ladislav Smola wrote:
I would like to have your opinion about how to deal with passwords in

The background is, that tuskarAPI is storing heat template parameters in
its database, it's a
preparation for more complex workflows, when we will need to store the
data before the actual
heat stack-create.

So right now, the state is unacceptable, we are storing sensitive
data(all the heat passwords and keys)
in a raw form in the TuskarAPI database. That is wrong right?
I agree, this situation needs to change.

I'm +1 for not storing the passwords if we can avoid it. This would apply to all situations and not just Tuskar.
The question for me, is what passwords will we have and when do we 
need them? Are any of the passwords required long term.
Only password I know about we need right now, is the AdminPassword. 
Which will be used for first sign in to overcloud Horizon and e.g. CLI. 
But we should not store that, just
display that at some point.

If we do need to store passwords it becomes a somewhat thorny issue, how does Tuskar know what a password is? If this is flagged up by the UI/client then we are relying on the user to tell us which isn't wise.
This is set on template level by NoEcho attribute. We are already using 
that information.
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