> From: Sean Dague <s...@dague.net>
> Realistically, the biggest issue I see with on-boarding is mentoring
> time. Especially with folks completely new to our structure, there is a
> lot of confusing things going on. And OpenStack is a ton to absorb. I
> get pinged a lot on IRC, answer when I can, and sometimes just have to
> ignore things because there are only so many hours in the day.

A great way to magnify your effort is to write things down where seekers 
can find it.  The documentation is pretty confusing for someone just 
starting out.  I am going through this myself.  I just made several 
updates to the wiki, adding things that newbies need to know (I hope I got 
them right, and trust someone will speak up if I did not).  I also posted 
a couple of doc bugs for non-wiki issues.

Answering questions on mailing lists and ask.openstack.org also leaves a 
helpful written trail.  I just posted a question on the openstack mailing 
list yesterday, I must be doing something stupid with DevStack, but nobody 
has answered it and there are several related-looking questions on 
ask.openstack.org with no answers.

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