On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 4:51 AM, Thierry Carrez <thie...@openstack.org>wrote:

> John Griffith wrote:
> > To add some controversy and keep the original intent of having only
> > known tested and working drivers in the Cinder release, I am going to
> > propose that any driver that has not submitted successful functional
> > testing by RC1 that that driver be removed.  I'd at least like to see
> > driver maintainers try... if the test fails a test or two that's
> > something that can be discussed, but it seems that until now most
> > drivers just flat out are not even being tested.


> I think there are multiple stages here.
> Stage 0: noone knows if drivers work
> Stage 1: we know the (potentially sad) state of the drivers that are in
> the release
> Stage 2: only drivers that pass tests are added, drivers that don't pass
> tests have a gap analysis and a plan to fix it
> Stage 3: drivers that fail tests are removed before release
> Stage 4: 3rd-party testing rigs must run tests on every change in order
> to stay in tree
> At the very minimum you should be at stage 1 for the Icehouse release,
> so I agree with your last paragraph. I'd recommend that you start the
> Juno cycle at stage 2 (for new drivers), and try to reach stage 3 for
> the end of the Juno release.

Are any of these drivers new for Icehouse?  I think adding broken drivers
in Icehouse is a mistake.  The timing WRT Icehouse release schedule is
unfortunate but so is shipping immature drivers that have to be supported
and possibly deprecated.  Should new drivers that are lacking have some
not-quite-supported status to allow them to be removed in Juno if not
brought up to par?  Or moved into cinder/contrib?

I don't mean to be picking on Cinder here, this seems to be recurring theme
in OpenStack.  I think we benefit from strengthening the precedent that
makes it harder to get things in that are not ready even if the timing is
inconvenient.  We're seeing this in project incubation and I think we all
benefit in the end.



Dean Troyer
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