The Oslo program has adopted cliff, pycadf, stevedore, and taskflow,
promoting them from stackforge, so we can establish symmetric gating with
the rest of OpenStack. In order to do that, the git repositories were moved
from "stackforge/*" to "openstack/*" (git:// becomes git://, etc.). This is only the first step,
so the testing is not in place, yet.

We have also renamed "oslo.sphinx" to "oslosphinx" in order to move the
documentation theme out of the namespace package "oslo" used by production
code. For a history of that change, please refer to the mailing list thread
linked in the bug We have
already released a library under the new name, and will be working with
projects to update their documentation builds before removing the old
library from PyPI.

If you have a working copy of one of these libraries, please update your
git remotes for origin and gerrit ("git remote set-url") or check out fresh

Thanks to jeblair, fungi, and the rest of the infra team for orchestrating
a smooth transition today!

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