(This email is mostly directed to PTLs for programs that include one
integrated project)

The DefCore subcommittee from the OpenStack board of directors asked the
Technical Committee yesterday about which code sections in each
integrated project should be "designated sections" in the sense of [1]
(code you're actually needed to run or include to be allowed to use the
trademark). That determines where you can run alternate code (think:
substitute your own private hypervisor driver) and still be able to call
the result openstack.

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreDefinition

PTLs and their teams are obviously the best placed to define this, so it
seems like the process should be: PTLs propose designated sections to
the TC, which blesses them, combines them and forwards the result to the
DefCore committee. We could certainly leverage part of the governance
repo to make sure the lists are kept up to date.

Comments, thoughts ?

Thierry Carrez (ttx)

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