On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 1:03 PM, Tzu-Mainn Chen <tzuma...@redhat.com> wrote:

> So after reading the replies on this thread, it seems like I (and others
> advocating
> a custom scheduler) may have overthought things a bit.  The reason this
> route was
> suggested was because of conflicting goals for Icehouse:
> a) homogeneous nodes (to simplify requirements)
> b) support diverse hardware sets (to allow as many users as possible to
> try Tuskar)
> Option b) requires either a custom scheduler or forcing nodes to have the
> same attributes,
> and the answer to that question is where much of the debate lies.
> However, taking a step back, maybe the real answer is:
> a) homogeneous nodes
> b) document. . .
>    - **unsupported** means of "demoing" Tuskar (set node attributes to
> match flavors, hack
>      the scheduler, etc)
>    - our goals of supporting heterogeneous nodes for the J-release.
> Does this seem reasonable to everyone?


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