I think your driver should implement a wrapper around both VendorPassthru
interfaces and call each appropriately, depending on the request. This
keeps each VendorPassthru driver separate, and encapsulates the logic about
when to call each of them in the driver layer.

As an aside, this is a code path (multiplexed VendorPassthru interfaces)
that we haven't exercised yet, but has come up in other discussions
recently too, so if you run into something else that looks awkward, please
jump into IRC and we'll help hash it out.


On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Rohan Kanade <openst...@rohankanade.com>wrote:

> > The deploy ramdisk should ping back the Ironic API and call the
> > vendor_passthru/pass_deploy_info with the iscsi informations etc... So,
> > make sure you've built your deploy ramdisk after this patch landed on
> Any strategies on how to verify if the ramdisk has been deployed on the
> server?
> Also, I am using different Power and VendorPassthru interfaces (unreleased
> SeaMicro), And i am using PXE only for Deploy interface. How can the
> pass_deploy_info be called by the ramdisk since it is not implemented by
> SeaMicro VendorPassthru?
> Regards,
> Rohan Kanade
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