Thanks, Vipin,

Dims is going work on setting up your repository and help you configure the
review team. Give us a few days to get the details sorted out.

On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Vipin Balachandran <> wrote:

> The current API is stable since this is used by nova and cinder for the
> last two releases. Yes, I can act as the maintainer.
> Here is the list of reviewers:
> Arnaud Legendre <>
> Davanum Srinivas (dims) <>
> garyk <>
> Kartik Bommepally <>
> Sabari Murugesan <>
> Shawn Hartsock <>
> Subbu <>
> Vui Lam <>
> *From:* Doug Hellmann []
> *Sent:* Friday, January 31, 2014 4:22 AM
> *To:* Vipin Balachandran
> *Cc:* Donald Stufft; OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage
> questions)
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo] VMware tools in oslo-incubator or
> straight to oslo.vmware
> On Thu, Jan 30, 2014 at 12:38 PM, Vipin Balachandran <
>> wrote:
> This library is highly specific to VMware drivers in OpenStack and not a
> generic VMware API client. As Doug mentioned, this library won't be useful
> outside OpenStack. Also, it has some dependencies on openstack.common code
> as well. Therefore it makes sense if we make this code as part of OSLO.
> I think we have consensus that, assuming you are committing to API
> stability, this set of code does not need to go through the incubator
> before becoming a library. How stable is the current API?
> If it stable and is not going to be useful to anyone outside of OpenStack,
> we can create an oslo.vmware library for it. I can start working with
> -infra next week to set up the repository.
> We will need someone on your team to be designated as the lead maintainer,
> to coordinate with the Oslo PTL for release management issues and bug
> triage. Is that you, Vipin?
> We will also need to have a set of reviewers for the new repository. I'll
> add oslo-core, but it will be necessary for a few people familiar with the
> code to also be included. If you have anyone from nova or cinder who should
> be a reviewer, we can add them, too. Please send me a list of names and the
> email addresses used in gerrit so I can add them to the reviewer list when
> the repository is created.
> Doug
> By the way, a work in progress review has been posted for the VMware
> cinder driver integration with the OSLO common code (
> The nova integration is
> currently under progress.
> Thanks,
> Vipin
> *From:* Doug Hellmann []
> *Sent:* Wednesday, January 29, 2014 4:06 AM
> *To:* Donald Stufft
> *Cc:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions); Vipin
> Balachandran
> *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [oslo] VMware tools in oslo-incubator or
> straight to oslo.vmware
> On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 5:06 PM, Donald Stufft <> wrote:
> On Jan 28, 2014, at 5:01 PM, Julien Danjou <> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 28 2014, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> >
> >> There are several reviews related to adding VMware interface code to the
> >> oslo-incubator so it can be shared among projects (start at
> >> if you want to look at the
> code).
> >>
> >> I expect this code to be fairly stand-alone, so I wonder if we would be
> >> better off creating an oslo.vmware library from the beginning, instead
> of
> >> bringing it through the incubator.
> >>
> >> Thoughts?
> >
> > This sounds like a good idea, but it doesn't look OpenStack specific, so
> > maybe building a non-oslo library would be better.
> >
> > Let's not zope it! :)
> +1 on not making it an oslo library.
> Given the number of issues we've seen with stackforge libs in the gate,
> I've changed my default stance on this point.
> It's not clear from the code whether Vipin et al expect this library to be
> useful for anyone not working with both OpenStack and VMware. Either way, I
> anticipate having the library under the symmetric gating rules and managed
> by the one of the OpenStack teams (oslo, nova, cinder?) and VMware
> contributors should make life easier in the long run.
> As far as the actual name goes, I'm not set on "oslo.vmware" it was just a
> convenient name for the conversation.
> Doug
> >
> > --
> > Julien Danjou
> > # Free Software hacker # independent consultant
> > #
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> -----------------
> Donald Stufft
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