Hi folks,

As part of preparations for graduation from incubation [0], I've contacted
OpenStack Foundation Marketing team to ensure that everything is ok with
our program and project names from their point of view. Thanks for Lauren
Sell for providing info.
Thetus Corporation already use 'Savanna' as the name for one of their
technologies [1]. Thetus doesn't actually hold any registered trademark for
'Savanna', but they have common-law rights to the mark because they have
established use and marketed it since 2010, so, in case if we applied for a
trademark, they could certainly challenge us and win. So, the answer from
marketing team was that it's a pretty high risk to continue using our
lovely name... The most sad part is that I couldn't google their site using
words savanna, hadoop, cloud and etc.

Let's move on to the new name selection process. I'm proposing one or two
weeks for brainstorming and sharing your thoughts about the project name
depending on number of suitable options, then I'll probably setup the small
voting to select the best option.

I've created an etherpad [2] for discussing new name options, so, the
process is send your options to this thread and then go to the etherpad [2]
to discuss them. Please, don't forget to google your options to avoid one
more renaming in future ;)

Thanks, looking forward for you thoughts.

"Project should have engaged with marketing team to check suitable
official name"
[1] http://www.thetus.com/savanna
[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/savanna-renaming

Sincerely yours,
Sergey Lukjanov
Savanna Technical Lead
Mirantis Inc.
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