On 27/01/14 19:40 +0800, Fei Long Wang wrote:
I think you're talking about reuse image id, now there is a bug tracking it,
see https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bug/1176978

For now, I would say it works as designed. Because we're using soft-delete in
DB level and there is no way to list the deleted image based on current
implement. BTW, may I know is there any production user case to reuse the image
id? Thanks.

This should be discussed in a separate thread with a different topic.


Thanks & Best regards,
Fei Long Wang (      )
Tech Lead of Nitrogen (SME team)
Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development
Tel: 8610-82450513 | T/L: 905-0513
Email: flw...@cn.ibm.com
China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing

Inactive hide details for      ---01/27/2014 07:07:17 PM---I think it is OK
that we keep the current behavior. But we need to     ---01/27/2014 07:07:17
PM---I think it is OK that we keep the current behavior. But we need to note it
in api spec clearly.

From:      <w.wangho...@gmail.com>
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
Date: 01/27/2014 07:07 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the
x-image-meta-property parameter.

I think it is OK that we keep the current behavior. But we need to note it in
api spec clearly.

And I have another question. :)
V1 api allows user to use "x-image-meta-id" parameter to create an image. But
if I specify a *deleted* image id to create an image, I will get 409 response,
however I can not use "list" method to get the image. Should we fix this "bug"?
Or just as a kind of constraint?

2014-01-27 Fei Long Wang <flw...@cn.ibm.com>

   Zhi Yan, FWIW, your concern is reasonable. Thanks for raising it. Based on
   the Glance v1 strategy, and backward-compatibility concern, maybe we should
   mark it as won't fix?

   Brian, may I get your opinion on this from a product manager perspective?

   Thanks & Best regards,
   Fei Long Wang (      )
   Tech Lead of Nitrogen (SME team)
   Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development
   Tel: 8610-82450513 | T/L: 905-0513
   Email: flw...@cn.ibm.com
   China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing

   Inactive hide details for Zhi Yan Liu ---01/27/2014 02:00:49 PM---@flwang,
   np at all. We can put the input in bug report as a cZhi Yan Liu ---01/27/
   2014 02:00:49 PM---@flwang, np at all. We can put the input in bug report
   as a comment or here anyway,

   From: Zhi Yan Liu <lzy....@gmail.com>
   To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
   Date: 01/27/2014 02:00 PM

   Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the
   x-image-meta-property parameter.

   @flwang, np at all. We can put the input in bug report as a comment or here
   anyway, as far as it can let us/me know the gains/advantages on this "fix".

   I'd like to know whether there is a backward-compatibility issue, but seems
   it's not a big deal? To keep the image property be case-sensitive is make
   sense, at last it is better if we keep same property name as client


On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 11:54 AM, Fei Long Wang <flw...@cn.ibm.com> wrote: Zhi Yan,

       I think you're talking about backward-compatibility, right? I would say
       it's possible, just like the v2 is not compatible with v1 against this.
       So that's why I would like to see a bug is opened to track this and
       then we get also some comments from the end user/product manager
       perspective to decide to mark it as won't fix or go ahead.

       Thanks & Best regards,
       Fei Long Wang (      )
       Tech Lead of Nitrogen (SME team)
       Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development
       Tel: 8610-82450513 | T/L: 905-0513
       Email: flw...@cn.ibm.com
       China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing

       Inactive hide details for Zhi Yan Liu ---01/27/2014 01:02:40 AM---One
       quick question, do you think there is a potential backwarZhi Yan Liu
       ---01/27/2014 01:02:40 AM---One quick question, do you think there is a
       potential backward-capability breaking issue for end use

       From: Zhi Yan Liu <lzy....@gmail.com>
       To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
       Cc: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
       Date: 01/27/2014 01:02 AM

       Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the
       x-image-meta-property parameter.


       One quick question, do you think there is a potential
       backward-capability breaking issue for end user or ISV if we remove
       existing standardizing/normalizing logic? I'd like to know the gains/
       advantages on this "fix".


       Sent from my iPad

On 2014 1 26 , at 23:49, Fei Long Wang <flw...@cn.ibm.com> wrote:
           Hey Jay, thanks for calling my name correctly :)

           Wang Hong, feel free to open a bug to track this. And we can get
           more info/comments when the patch is reviewed. Thanks.

           Thanks & Best regards,
           Fei Long Wang (      )
           Tech Lead of Nitrogen (SME team)
           Cloud Solutions and OpenStack Development
           Tel: 8610-82450513 | T/L: 905-0513
           Email: flw...@cn.ibm.com
           China Systems & Technology Laboratory in Beijing

           <graycol.gif>Jay Pipes ---01/26/2014 11:20:40 PM---On Sun,
           2014-01-26 at 18:48 +0800, Fei Long Wang wrote: > Hi Wang Hong,

           From: Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com>
           To: Fei Long Wang/China/IBM@IBMCN,
           Cc: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
           Date: 01/26/2014 11:20 PM
           Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the
x-image-meta-property parameter.

           On Sun, 2014-01-26 at 18:48 +0800, Fei Long Wang wrote:
           > Hi Wang Hong,
           > Good catch. I think the issue is caused by line 244-246, see
           > https://github.com/openstack/glance/blob/master/glance/common/
           utils.py#L244 For the case-matter issue, I think it's a bug. But as
           for the - to _, I would like to listen Jay's opinion since who is
           the original author. And obviously, it's intentional change.

           Hi Wang Hong adnd Fei Long,

           It's been a long time since I wrote that :) To be honest, I'm not
           why -- other than just standardizing/normalizing the input, we did
           Perhaps it had something to do with vendor-specific properties that
           a prefix that used hyphens, but I'm really not sure... perhaps I am
           getting too old :)


           > Inactive hide details for      ---01/26/2014 05:14:02 PM---Hi
           all. If
           > I use the following command to create an image:     ---01/26/2014
           > 05:14:02 PM---Hi all. If I use the following command to create an
           > image:
           > From:      <w.wangho...@gmail.com>
           > To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org,
           > Date: 01/26/2014 05:14 PM
           > Subject: [openstack-dev] [glance]A question abount the
           > x-image-meta-property parameter.
           > Hi all.
           > If I use the following command to create an image:
           > curl -i -H "X-Auth-Token:268c536db05b435bb6e631158744e3f6" -H
           > "x-image-meta-property-IMAGE-TYPE:xxx" -H
           "x-image-meta-name:test" -X
           > POST
           > I will get the following results:
           > {"image": {"status": "queued", "deleted": false,
           > null, "min_ram": 0, "updated_at": "2014-01-26T08:51:54", "owner":
           > "9a38c1cda5344dd288331b988739c834", "min_disk": 0, "is_public":
           > "deleted_at": null, "id": "696ab97d-0e6f-46f1-8570-b6db707a748b",
           > "size": 0, "name": "test", "checksum": null, "created_at":
           > "2014-01-26T08:51:54", "disk_format": null, "properties":
           > {"image_type": "xxx"}, "protected": false}}
           > The capital letters in the property will be converted to
           > letters and "-" will be converted to "_"("IMAGE-TYPE"=>
           > Is it a bug? Thanks.
           > Best regards.
           > wanghong_______________________________________________
           > OpenStack-dev mailing list
           > OpenStack-dev@lists.openstack.org
           > http://lists.openstack.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/openstack-dev

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