Steve & Clint

That should work. We will look at implementing a resource that spins up a
shortlived VM for bootstrapping a service VM and informing configuration
server for further configuration.


On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:53 PM, Steven Dake <> wrote:

> On 01/14/2014 09:27 PM, Clint Byrum wrote:
>> Excerpts from Prasad Vellanki's message of 2014-01-14 18:41:46 -0800:
>>> Steve
>>> I did not mean to have custom solution at all. In fact that would be
>>> terrible.  I think Heat model of software config and deployment is really
>>> good. That allows configurators such as Chef, Puppet, Salt or Ansible to
>>> be
>>> plugged into it and all users need to write are modules for those.
>>> What I was  thinking is if there is a way to use software
>>> config/deployment
>>>   to do initial configuration of the appliance by using agentless system
>>> such  as Ansible or Salt, thus requiring no cfminit. I am not sure this
>>> will work either, since it might require ssh keys to be installed for
>>> getting ssh to work without password prompting. But I do see that ansible
>>> and salt support username/password option.
>>> If this would not work, I agree that the best option is to make them
>>> support cfminit...
>> Ansible is not agent-less. It just makes use of an extremely flexible
>> agent: sshd. :) AFAIK, salt does use an agent though maybe they've added
>> SSH support.
>> Anyway, the point is, Heat's engine should not be reaching into your
>> machines. It talks to API's, but that is about it.
>> What you really want is just a VM that spins up and does the work for
>> you and then goes away once it is done.
> Good thinking.  This model might work well without introducing the "groan
> another daemon" problems pointed out elsewhere in this thread that were
> snipped.  Then the "modules" could simply be heat templates available to
> the Heat engine to do the custom config setup.
> The custom config setup might still be a problem with the original
> constraints (not modifying images to inject SSH keys).
> That model wfm.
> Regards
> -steve
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