I would like to gauge interest in a new project named Diesel.


If you are already familiar with Savanna, the best way to describe it is:
Savanna is to map reduce applications as Diesel is to web applications.

The mission of Diesel is to allow OpenStack clouds to run applications.
The cloud administrator can control the non functional aspects, freeing up
the application developer to focus on their application and its

In the spirit of Google App Engine, Heroku, Engine Yard and others, Diesel
runs web applications in the cloud. It can be used by cloud administrators
to define the application types that they support. They are also
responsible for defining through Diesel how these applications run on top
of their cloud infrastructure. Diesel will control the availability and
scalability of the web application deployment.

Please send me email if you would like to collaborate on this and I can
set up an IRC meeting.

Rob Raymond

OpenStack-dev mailing list

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