> From: Jay Pipes [mailto:jaypi...@gmail.com]
> On Thu, 2014-01-16 at 10:39 +0000, Sullivan, Jon Paul wrote:
> > > From: Kyle Mestery [mailto:mest...@siliconloons.com]
> > >   
> > > FYI, here [1] are the meeting logs from today’s meeting.
> > >
> > > A couple of things have become apparent here:
> > >
> > > 1. No one has a working Neutron 3rd party testing rig yet which is
> > > voting
> > >     consistently. If I’ve missed something, please, someone correct
> me.
> > > 2. People are still hung on issues around Jenkins/gerrit
> integration.
> >
> > This issue can be very easily resolved if people were to use Jenkins
> Job Builder [2] for the creation of their Jenkins testing jobs.  This
> would allow the reuse of simple macros already in existence to guarantee
> correct configuration of Jenkins jobs at 3rd party sites.  This would
> also allow simple reuse of the code used by the infra team to create the
> openstack review and gate jobs, ensuring 3rd party testers can generate
> the correct code from the gerrit change and also publish results back in
> a standard way.
> >
> > I can't recommend Jenkins Job Builder highly enough if you use
> Jenkins.
> >
> > [2] https://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder
> ++ It's a life-saver. We used it heavily in AT&T with our
> Gerrit/Jenkins/Zuul CI system.
> -jay

It seems to me that shared JJB macros could be the most concise and simple way
of describing 3rd party testing integration requirements.

So the follow-on questions are:
1. Can the 3rd party testing blueprint enforce, or at least link to,
   use of specific JJB macros for integration to the openstack gerrit?
      1a. Where should shared JJB code be stored?
2. Is it appropriate for 3rd party testers to share their tests as
   JJB code, if they are willing?
      2a. Would this live in the same location as (1a)?

For those unfamiliar with JJB, here is a little example of what you might do:

Example of (untested) JJB macro describing how to configure Jenkins to
trigger from gerrit:

- trigger:
    name: 3rd-party-gerrit-review
      - gerrit:
         triggerOnPatchsetUploadedEvent: true
         triggerOnChangeMergedEvent: false
         triggerOnRefUpdatedEvent: false
         triggerOnCommentAddedEvent: false
         overrideVotes: true
         gerritBuildSuccessfulVerifiedValue: 0
         gerritBuildFailedVerifiedValue: -1
           - projectCompareType: 'PLAIN'
             projectPattern: '{project_pattern}'
             branchCompareType: 'ANT'
             branchPattern: '**'
         failureMessage: '3rd party test {test_name} failed.  Contact is 
{test_contact}.  Test log is available at {test_log_url}'

Use of macro in JJB file (again untested):
    name: my-test
        - 3rd-party-gerrit-review:
            project_pattern: 'https://github.com/openstack/neutron.git'
            test_name: 'my-3rd-party-test'
            test_contact: 'my-em...@example.com'
            test_log_url: 'http://mylogsarehere.com/'

> > > 3. There are issues with devstack failing, but these seem to be
> Neutron
> > >     plugin specific. I’ve encouraged people to reach out on both the
> > >     #openstack-neutron and #openstack-qa channels with questions.
> > > 4. There is still some confusion on what tests to run. I think this
> is
> > >     likely to be plugin dependent.
> > > 5. There is some confusion around what version of devstack to use.
> > >     My assumption has always been upstream master.
> > >
> > > Another general issue which I wanted to highlight here, which has
> > > been brought up before, is that for companies/projects proposing
> > > plugins, MechanismDrivers, and/or service plugins you really need
> > > someone active on both the mailing list as well as the IRC channels.
> > > This will help if your testing rig has issues, or if people need
> > > help understanding why your test setup is failing with their patch.
> > >
> > > So, that’s the Neutron 3rd party testing update as we near the
> > > deadline next week.
> > >
> > > Thanks!
> > > Kyle
> > >
> > > [1]
> > > http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/networking_third_party_testi
> > > ng/2 014/networking_third_party_testing.2014-01-15-22.00.log.html
> > >
Jon-Paul Sullivan ☺ Cloud Services - @hpcloud

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