On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 1:37 PM, Doug Hellmann

> Several people have mentioned to me that they are interested in, or
> actively working on, code related to a "common" client library -- something
> meant to be reused directly as a basis for creating a common library for
> all of the openstack clients to use. There's a blueprint [1] in oslo, and I
> believe the keystone devs and unified CLI teams are probably interested in
> ensuring that the resulting API ends up meeting all of our various
> requirements.

I would love to see a bit more detail on the structure of the lib(s), the
blueprint really doesn't discuss the design/organization/intended API of
the libs.  For example, I would hope the distinction between the various
layers of a client stack don't get lost, i.e. not mixing the low-level REST
API bits with the higher-level CLI parsers and decorators.

Does the long-term goals include a common caching layer?



Dean Troyer
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