On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 11:49 AM, Joshua Harlow <harlo...@yahoo-inc.com>wrote:

>  Very nice write up +1
>  A question, many modules are pulling in oslo.log as seen from the
> dependency graph which itself then pulls in oslo.config. Is the plan to
> just have all these modules use the regular python logging and have
> oslo.log be a plugin/formatter/adapter to python logging?

If we can set up oslo logging to maintain the context data that we add
now, then yes we could change the other libraries to just use python's
logging module directly. I think the work that's being done on using a
custom formatter instead of a logging adapter will let us do that.

>  Likely people that would use those libraries and that aren't tied to
> openstack want to provide/configure there own logging (which is normally
> done via python logging configuration files and such...)
>  A side question: what are all these libraries going to be named, seems
> like we need a lot of creative library names (not just prefix everything
> with oslo) :-)

I'm using the oslo prefix for now for convenience. We can come up with more
creative names for libraries that have no other oslo dependencies as we
create those releases.

> Sent from my really tiny device...
> On Jan 14, 2014, at 11:53 AM, "Doug Hellmann" <doug.hellm...@dreamhost.com>
> wrote:
>   I've spent some time over the past day or two looking at the
> dependencies between modules in the oslo incubator, trying to balance the
> desire to have a small number of libraries with themes that make sense and
> the need to eliminate circular dependencies.
>  The results of all of this are posted to
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/GraduationStatus, where I have
> grouped the modules together into proposed libraries.
>  The dependencies between the libraries can be seen in several graphs
> I've prepared and posted to
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/Dependencies
>  Once we settle on the list of libraries, the next step is to look at the
> lowest level libraries to see what steps need to be taken before they can
> be released. I plan to start on that after the icehouse-2 deadline.
>  Oslo team (and other interested parties), please take a look at the two
> wiki pages above and provide any feedback you have here on this ML thread.
>  Thanks,
> Doug
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