
Thanks for your comment. Eugene summarized very well the reason I didin't
specify any testing dealing with the ml2 plugin. It


On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 11:50 PM, Eugene Nikanorov

> Sukhdev,
> API tests are really not for end-to-end testing; also, tempest tests (both
> API and scenario) should not make any
> assumptions about neutron configuration (e.g. ml2 mechanism drivers).
> End-to-end testing for particular ml2 drivers seems to fit in 3rd party
> testing
> where you can run additional tests which are configuration-specific.
> Thanks,
> Eugene.
> On Wed, Jan 8, 2014 at 4:36 AM, Sukhdev Kapur <>wrote:
>> Hi Miguel,
>> As I am using neutron API tempest tests, I notice that in the create_port
>> tests, the port context is set partially - i.e. only network Id is
>> available.
>> ML2 drivers expect more in formation in the port context in order to test
>> the API on the back-ends.
>> I noticed such an enhancement is not listed in the etherpad.
>> This is really not a new test, but, enhancement of the test coverage to
>> allow third party ML2 drivers to perform end-to-end API testing.
>> If you like, I will be happy to update the ehterpad to include this
>> information.
>> regards..
>> -Sukhdev
>> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 10:37 AM, Miguel Lavalle <>wrote:
>>> As described in a previous message, the community is focusing efforts in
>>> developing a comprehensive set of API tests in Tempest for Neutron. We are
>>> keeping track of this effort in the "API tests gap analysis" section at
>>> These are recent developments in this regard:
>>> 1) The gap analysis is complete as of January 5th. The analysis takes
>>> into consideration what already exists in Tempest and what is in the Gerrit
>>> review process
>>> 2) Soon there is going to be a "generative" (i.e. non manual) tool to
>>> create negative tests in Tempest. As a consequence, all negative tests
>>> specifications were removed from the gap analysis described in the previous
>>> point
>>> If you are interested in helping in this effort, please go to the
>>> etherpad indicated above and select from the "API tests gap analysis"
>>> section the tests you want to contribute. Please put your name and email
>>> address next to the selected tests. Also, when your code merges, please
>>> come back to the etherpad and update it indicating that your test is done.
>>> If your are new to OpenStack, Neutron or Tempest, implementing tests is
>>> an excellent way to learn an API. We have put together the following guide
>>> to help you get started
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