On 01/03/2014 03:10 AM, Maxime Vidori wrote:
> Someone said Grunt?

Actually - funny story - we're currently working through some use of
grunt and friends for storyboard, and as a result of that I've been
learning about how it all hangs together. From what I can tell, I think
the path to directly using it in horizon might be a good one to look at
- but it also needs to be done very carefully. Specifically, as you all
know, we do a LOT of work to deal with pip dependencies in the gate. If
we start introducing npm dependencies, we're going to need to do a lot
of infra thinking about how to do that with the same robustness. If we
do though, it could potentially mean we could stop bundling, which would
be neat.

SO -

a) I fully support more jshint for horizon javascript
b) I provisionally support aligning more with current state-of-art
javascript toolchains for the javascript portions of horizon
c) There are MANY unknowns with how to effectively integrate that into a
python-centric workflow.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Matthias Runge" <mru...@redhat.com>
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Sent: Friday, January 3, 2014 9:52:48 AM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [horizon] Javascript checkstyle improvement
> On 01/03/2014 09:37 AM, Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
>> [snip]
>> This is actually not a problem at all, because the way jshint works now,
>> we have to explicitly list the files to be checked against those
>> rules. That means, that we can only check our own code, and not the
>> included libraries. Of course, the reviewers have to pay attention to
>> make sure that all the non-library code is added to the list, but we
>> don't really get new files that often.
> Yeah, jshint needs to be switched on explicitly for each file. That
> tends to be forgotten on new files, which is not ideal either.
> Matthias
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