On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 11:51 AM, John Dickinson <m...@not.mn> wrote:
> On Dec 29, 2013, at 2:05 PM, Michael Still <mi...@stillhq.com> wrote:


>> Perhaps step one is to work out what tags we think are useful and at
>> what time they should execute?
> I think this is exactly what I don't want. I don't want a set of predefined 
> tags.


Super aggressive trimming, because I want to dig into this one bit some more...

I feel like anything that requires pro-active action from the target
audience will fail. For example, in nova we've gone through long
cycles with experimental features where we've asked deployers to turn
on new features in labs and report problems before we turn it on by
default. They of course don't.

So... I feel there is value in a curated list of tags, even if we
allow additional tags (a bit like launchpad). In fact, the idea of a
"DeployImpact" tag for example really works for me. I'm very tempted
to implement that one in notify_impact now.


Rackspace Australia

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