I think there is a need for an incompatible change review process which 
includes more of the community than just those performing the code reviews. 
This kind of change can cause a lot of disruption for those of us running 
clouds so it is great to see that you are looking for more input.

In the past, it has been proposed to also highlight incompatible changes to the 
openstack-operators list which is likely to reach those of us who will be most 
affected by the change. A similar process for API changes could also be applied 
to reach out for those who use OpenStack clouds. The change can then be 
reviewed as to how to minimise the impact (if significant) along with getting a 
larger group of people involved in understanding the merits of the change 
compared to the risks/effort for those running clouds in production.

Are there any other proposals for how to handle incompatible changes ?


From: Day, Phil [mailto:philip....@hp.com] 
Sent: 28 December 2013 16:21
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [nova] minimum review period for functional changes 
that break backwards compatibility

Hi Folks,

I know it may seem odd to be arguing for slowing down a part of the review 
process, but I'd like to float the idea that there should be a minimum review 
period for patches that change existing functionality in a way that isn't 
backwards compatible.   

The specific change that got me thinking about this is 
https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63209/ which changes the default fs type from 
ext3 to ext4.    I agree with the comments in the commit message that ext4 is a 
much better filesystem, and it probably does make sense to move to that as the 
new default at some point, however there are some old OS's that may still be in 
use that don't support ext4.  By making this change to the default without any 
significant notification period this change has the potential to brake existing 
images and snapshots.  It was already possible to use ext4 via existing 
configuration values, so there was no urgency to this change (and no urgency 
implied in the commit messages, which is neither a bug or blueprint). 

I'm not trying to pick out the folks involved in this change in particular, it 
just happened to serve as a good and convenient example of something that I 
think we need to be more aware of and think about having some specific policy 
around.  On the plus side the reviewers did say they would wait 24 hours to see 
if anyone objected, and the actual review went over 4 days - but I'd suggest 
that is still far too quick even in a non-holiday period for something which is 
low priority (the functionality could already be achieved via existing 
configuration options) and which is a change in default behaviour.  (In the 
period around a major holiday there probable needs to be an even longer wait).  
   I know there are those that don't want to see blueprints for every minor 
functional change to the system, but maybe this is a case where a blueprint 
being proposed and reviewed may have caught the impact of the change.    With a 
number of people now using a continual deployment approach any change in 
default behaviour needs to be considered not just  for the benefits it brings 
but what it might break.  The advantage we have as a community is that there 
are lot of different perspectives that can be brought to bear on the impact of 
functional changes, but we equally have to make sure there is sufficient time 
for those perspectives to emerge.

Somehow it feels that we're getting the priorities on reviews wrong when a low 
priority changes like this which can  go through in a matter of days, when 
there are bug fixes such as https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57708/ which have 
been sitting for over a month with a number of +1's which don't seem to be 
making any progress.


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