On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 8:59 AM, Daniel Morris

>   Vipul,
>  I know we discussed this briefly in the Wednesday meeting but I still
> have a few questions.   I am not bought in to the idea that we do not need
> to maintain the records of saved logs.   I agree that we do not need to
> enable users to download and manipulate the logs themselves via Trove (
> that can be left to Swift), but at a minimum, I believe that the system
> will still need to maintain a mapping of where the logs are stored in
> swift.  This is a simple addition to the list of available logs per
> datastore (an additional field of its swift location – a location exists,
> you know the log has been saved).  If we do not do this, how then does the
> user know where to find the logs they have saved or if they even exist in
> Swift without searching manually?  It may be that this is covered, but I
> don't see this represented in the BP.  Is the assumption that it is some
> known path?  I would expect to see the Swift location retuned on a GET of
> the available logs types for a specific instance (there is currently only a
> top-level GET for logs available per datastore type).
> The Swift location can be returned in the response to the POST/‘save’
operation.  We may consider returning a top-level immutable resource (like
‘flavors’) that when queried, could return the Base path for logs in Swift.

Logs are not meaningful to Trove, since you can’t act on them or perform
other meaningful Trove operations on them.  Thus I don’t believe they
qualify as a resource in Trove.  Multiple ‘save’ operations should not
result in a replace of the previous logs, it should just add to what may
already be there in Swift.

>  I am also assuming in this case, and per the BP, that If the user does
> not have the ability to select the storage location in Swift of if this is
> controlled exclusively by the deployer.  And that you would only allow one
> occurrence of the log, per datastore / instance and that the behavior of
> writing a log more than once to the same location is that it will overwrite
> / append, but it is not detailed in the BP.
> The location should be decided by Trove, not the user.  We’ll likely need
to group them in Swift by InstanceID buckets.  I don’t believe we should do
appends/overwrites - new Logs saved would just add to what may already
exist.  If the user chooses they don’t need the logs, they can perform the
delete directly in Swift.

>   Thanks,
> Daniel
>     From: Vipul Sabhaya <vip...@gmail.com>
> Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 2:14 AM
> To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" <
> openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [trove] Delivering datastore logs to
> customers
>   Yep agreed, this is a great idea.
>  We really only need two API calls to get this going:
> - List available logs to ‘save’
> - Save a log (to swift)
>  Some additional points to consider:
>  - We don’t need to create a record of every Log ‘saved’ in Trove.  These
> entries, treated as a Trove resource aren’t useful, since you don’t
> actually manipulate that resource.
> - Deletes of Logs shouldn’t be part of the Trove API, if the user wants to
> delete them, just use Swift.
> - A deployer should be able to choose which logs can be ‘saved’ by their
> users
> On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Michael Basnight <mbasni...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>  I think this is a good idea and I support it. In todays meeting [1]
>> there were some questions, and I encourage them to get brought up here. My
>> only question is in regard to the "tail" of a file we discussed in irc.
>> After talking about it w/ other trovesters, I think it doesnt make sense to
>> tail the log for most datstores. I cant imagine finding anything useful in
>> say, a java, applications last 100 lines (especially if a stack trace was
>> present). But I dont want to derail, so lets try to focus on the "deliver
>> to swift" first option.
>>  [1]
>> http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/trove/2013/trove.2013-12-18-18.13.log.txt
>>  On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 5:24 AM, Denis Makogon <dmako...@mirantis.com>wrote:
>>>      Greetings, OpenStack DBaaS community.
>>>      I'd like to start discussion around a new feature in Trove. The
>>> feature I would like to propose covers manipulating  database log files.
>>>      Main idea. Give user an ability to retrieve database log file for
>>> any purposes.
>>>     Goals to achieve. Suppose we have an application (binary
>>> application, without source code) which requires a DB connection to perform
>>> data manipulations and a user would like to perform development, debbuging
>>> of an application, also logs would be useful for audit process. Trove
>>> itself provides access only for CRUD operations inside of database, so the
>>> user cannot access the instance directly and analyze its log files.
>>> Therefore, Trove should be able to provide ways to allow a user to download
>>> the database log for analysis.
>>>      Log manipulations are designed to let user perform log
>>> investigations. Since Trove is a PaaS - level project, its user cannot
>>> interact with the compute instance directly, only with database through the
>>> provided API (database operations).
>>> I would like to propose the following API operations:
>>>    1.
>>>    Create DBLog entries.
>>>    2.
>>>    Delete DBLog entries.
>>>    3.
>>>    List DBLog entries.
>>>  Possible API, models, server, and guest configurations are described
>>> at wiki page. [1]
>>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/TroveDBInstanceLogOperation
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>>  --
>> Michael Basnight
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