Am 10/9/18 um 1:47 PM schrieb Mark Goddard:

On Tue, 9 Oct 2018 at 12:03, Florian Engelmann < <>> wrote:

    Am 10/9/18 um 11:04 AM schrieb Mark Goddard:
     > Thanks for these suggestions Florian, there are some interesting
     > in here. I'm a little concerned about the maintenance overhead of
     > support for all of these things, and wonder if some of them could be
     > done without explicit support in kolla and kolla-ansible. The kolla
     > projects have been able to move quickly by providing a flexible
     > configuration mechanism that avoids the need to maintain support for
     > every OpenStack feature. Other thoughts inline.

    I do understand your apprehensions Mark. For some of the suggested
    changes/additions I agree. But adding those components without
    kolla/kolla-ansible integration feels not right.

I'm not entirely against adding some of these things, if enough people in the community want them. I'd just like to make sure that if they can be done in a sane way without changes, then we do that and document how to do it instead.

Yes I agree and that is a very important role/job.

     > On Mon, 8 Oct 2018 at 11:15, Florian Engelmann
     > <
     > wrote:
     >     Hi,
     >     I would like to start a discussion about some changes and
    additions I
     >     would like to see in in kolla and kolla-ansible.
     >     1. Keepalived is a problem in layer3 spine leaf networks as any
     >     floating
     >     IP can only exist in one leaf (and VRRP is a problem in
    layer3). I
     >     would
     >     like to use consul and registrar to get rid of the "internal"
     >     IP and use consuls DNS service discovery to connect all
    services with
     >     each other.
     > Without reading up, I'm not sure exactly how this fits together. If
     > kolla-ansible made the API host configurable for each service rather
     > than globally, would that be a step in the right direction?

    No that would not help. The problem is HA. Right now there is a
    "central" floating IP (kolla_internal_vip_address) that is used for all
    services to connect to (each other). Keepalived is failing that IP over
    if the "active" host fails. In a layer3 (CLOS/Spine-Leaf) network this
    IP is only available in one leaf/rack. So that rack is a "SPOF".
    Using service discovery fits perfect in a CLOS network and scales much
    better as a HA solution.

Right, but what I'm saying as a thought experiment is, if we gave you the required variables in kolla-ansible (e.g. nova_internal_fqdn) to make this possible with an externally managed consul service, could that work?

Now I get you. I would say all configuration templates need to be changed to allow, eg.

$ grep http /etc/kolla/cinder-volume/cinder.conf
glance_api_servers =
auth_url = http://internal.somedomain.tld:35357
www_authenticate_uri = http://internal.somedomain.tld:5000
auth_url = http://internal.somedomain.tld:35357
auth_endpoint = http://internal.somedomain.tld:5000

to look like:

glance_api_servers = http://glance.service.somedomain.consul:9292
auth_url = http://keystone.service.somedomain.consul:35357
www_authenticate_uri = http://keystone.service.somedomain.consul:5000
auth_url = http://keystone.service.somedomain.consul:35357
auth_endpoint = http://keystone.service.somedomain.consul:5000

     >     2. Using "ports" for external API (endpoint) access is a
    major headache
     >     if a firewall is involved. I would like to configure the
    HAProxy (or
     >     fabio) for the external access to use "Host:" like, eg. "Host:
     >     keystone.somedomain.tld", "Host: nova.somedomain.tld", ...
    with HTTPS.
     >     Any customer would just need HTTPS access and not have to
    open all
     >     those
     >     ports in his firewall. For some enterprise customers it is
    not possible
     >     to request FW changes like that.
     >     3. HAProxy is not capable to handle "read/write" split with
    Galera. I
     >     would like to introduce ProxySQL to be able to scale Galera.
     > It's now possible to use an external database server with
     > instead of deploying a mariadb/galera cluster. This could be
     > how you like, see

    Yes I agree. And this is what we will do in our first production
    deployment. But I would love to see ProxySQL in Kolla as well.
    As a side note: Kolla-ansible does use:

    option mysql-check user haproxy post-41

    to check Galera, but that check does not fail if the node is out of
    with the other nodes!

That's good to know. Could you raise a bug in kolla-ansible on launchpad, and offer advice on how to improve this check if you have any?


     >     4. HAProxy is fine but fabio integrates well with consul,
    statsd and
     >     could be connected to a vault cluster to manage secure
     >     access.
     > As above.
     >     5. I would like to add vault as Barbican backend.
     > Does this need explicit support in kolla and kolla-ansible, or
    could it
     > be done through configuration of barbican.conf? Are there additional
     > packages required in the barbican container? If so, see

    True but the vault (and consul) containers could be deployed and
    by kolla-ansible.

I'd like to see if anyone else is interested in this. Kolla ansible already deploys a large number of services, which is great. As with many other projects I'm seeing the resources of core contributors fall off a little, and I think we need to consider how to ensure the project is maintainable long term. In my view a good way of doing that is to enable integration with existing services, rather than deploying them. We need to decide where the line is as a community. We have an IRC meeting at 3pm UTC if you'd like to bring it up then.

Sorry I didn't manage to attend the IRC meeting. But again, I aggree, it would be great to extend the (already great) felxibility of kolla-ansible to be "add" "external" services.

     >     6. I would like to add an option to enable tokenless
    authentication for
     >     all services with each other to get rid of all the openstack
     >     passwords (security issue).
     > Again, could this be done without explicit support?

    We did not investigate here. Changes to the apache configuration are
    needed. I guess we will have to change the kolla container itself to do
    so? Is it possible to "inject" files in a container using kolla-ansible?
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