---- On Sat, 06 Oct 2018 01:42:11 +0900 Erlon Cruz <sombra...@gmail.com> wrote 
 > Hey folks,
 > Following up on the discussions that we had on the Denver PTG, the Cinder 
 > teamis planning to enable online volume_extend tests[1] to be run by 
 > default. Currently,those tests are only run by some CI systems and infra 
 > jobs that explicitly set it tobe so.
 > We are also adding a negative test and an associated option  in tempest[2] 
 > to allowvendor drivers that does not support online extending to be tested. 
 > This patch willbe merged first and after a reasonable time for people check 
 > whether their backends supports that or not, we will proceed and merge the 
 > devstack patch[1]triggering the tests in all CIs and infra jobs.

Thanks Erlon. +1 on running those tests on gate.  

Though I have concern over running those tests by default(making config options 
True by default), because it is not confirmed all cinder backends implements 
this functionality and it only works for nova libvirt driver. We need to keep 
config options default as False and Devstack/CI can make it True to run the 

If this feature becomes mandatory functionality (or cinder say standard feature 
i think) to implement for every backends and it work with all nova driver 
also(in term of instance action events) then, we can enable this feature tests 
by default. But until then, we should keep them disable by default in Tempest 
but we can enable them on gate via Devstack (patch you mentioned) and test them 
daily on integrated-gate. 

Overall, I am ok with Devstack change to make these tests enable for every 
Cinder backends but we need to keep the config options false in Tempest. 

I will review those patch and leave comments on gerrit (i saw those patch 
introduce new config option than using the existing one)


 > Please let us know if you have any question or concerns about it.
 > Kind regards,Erlon_________________[1] 
 > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/572188/[2] 
 > https://review.openstack.org/#/c/578463/ 
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