---- On Fri, 05 Oct 2018 02:47:53 +0900 Jeremy Stanley <fu...@yuggoth.org>
wrote ----
> On 2018-10-04 13:40:05 -0400 (-0400), Doug Hellmann wrote:
> [...]
> > TC members, please reply to this thread and indicate if you would
> > find meeting at 1300 UTC on the first Thursday of every month
> > acceptable, and of course include any other comments you might
> > have (including alternate times).
> This time is acceptable to me. As long as we ensure that community
> feedback continues more frequently in IRC and on the ML (for example
> by making it clear that this meeting is expressly *not* for that)
> then I'm fine with resuming formal meetings.
+1. Time works fine for me, Thanks for considering the APAC TZ.
I agree that we should keep encouraging the usual discussion in existing
office hours, IRC or ML. I will be definitely able to attend other 2 office
hours (Tuesday and Wednesday) which are suitable for my TZ.
> --
> Jeremy Stanley
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