Jeremy Stanley <> writes: > On 2018-10-04 23:11:22 +0900 (+0900), Trinh Nguyen wrote: > [...] >> Please avoid adding universal wheels to the project setup.cfg. > [...] > > Why would you avoid also adding it to the setup.cfg? The change you > cited is merely to be able to continue building universal wheels for > projects while the setup.cfg files are corrected over time, to > reduce the urgency of doing so. Wheel building happens in more > places than just our CI system, so only fixing it in CI is not a > good long-term strategy.
I abandoned a couple of dozen patches submitted today by someone who was not coordinating with the goal champions with a message that said those patches were not needed because I didn't want folks to be dealing with this right now. Teams who want to update their setup.cfg can do so, but my intent is to ensure it is not required in order to produce releases with the automation in the short term. Doug __________________________________________________________________________ OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions) Unsubscribe: