Could you please point out some of the glance functional tests which are
failing and causing this resets?
I will like to put some efforts towards fixing those.

Thanks & Best Regards,

Abhishek Kekane

On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 10:14 PM Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com> wrote:

> Wesley Hayutin <whayu...@redhat.com> writes:
> [snip]
> > The TripleO project has created a single node container based composable
> > OpenStack deployment [2]. It is the projects intention to replace most of
> > the TripleO upstream jobs with the Standalone deployment.  We would like
> to
> > reduce our multi-node usage to a total of two or three multinode jobs to
> > handle a basic overcloud deployment, updates and upgrades[a]. Currently
> in
> > master we are relying on multiple multi-node scenario jobs to test many
> of
> > the OpenStack services in a single job. Our intention is to move these
> > multinode scenario jobs to single node job(s) that tests a smaller subset
> > of services. The goal of this would be target the specific areas of the
> > TripleO code base that affect these services and only run those there.
> This
> > would replace the existing 2-3 hour two node job(s) with single node
> job(s)
> > for specific services that completes in about half the time.  This
> > unfortunately will reduce the overall coverage upstream but still allows
> us
> > a basic smoke test of the supported OpenStack services and their
> deployment
> > upstream.
> >
> > Ideally projects other than TripleO would make use of the Standalone
> > deployment to test their particular service with containers, upgrades or
> > for various other reasons.  Additional projects using this deployment
> would
> > help ensure bugs are found quickly and resolved providing additional
> > resilience to the upstream gate jobs. The TripleO team will begin review
> to
> > scope out and create estimates for the above work starting on October 18
> > 2018.  One should expect to see updates on our progress posted to the
> > list.  Below are some details on the proposed changes.
> [snip]
> Thanks for all of the details, Wes. I know the current situation has
> been hurting the TripleO team as well, so I'm glad to see a good plan in
> place to address it. I look forward to seeing updates about the
> progress.
> Doug
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