Hi Boden.

Love this initiative.

We would like networking-powervm to be included, and have proposed [5],
but are wondering why we weren't picked up in [6]. Your email [1] says

"If your project isn't in [3][4],
but you think it should be; it maybe missing a recent neutron-lib
version in your requirements.txt."

What's "recent"? I see the latest (per the requirements project) is
1.19.0 and we have 1.18.0. Should we bump?


[5] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/607625/
[6] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-sibling-setup

On 10/03/2018 10:43 AM, Boden Russell wrote:
> Just a friendly reminder that networking projects now need to opt-in for
> neutron-lib consumption patches [1].
> Starting next week (September 8) I'd like to start basing consumption
> patches on those projects that have opted-in. If there are exceptions
> please let me know so we can track them accordingly.
> Thanks
> [1]
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-September/135063.html
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