
In the most recent Ironic meeting we discussed [1] tenks, and the
possibility of adding the project under Ironic governance. We agreed to
move the discussion to the mailing list. I'll introduce the project here
and give everyone a chance to ask questions. If things appear to move in
the right direction, I'll propose a vote for inclusion under Ironic's

Tenks is a project for managing 'virtual bare metal clusters'. It aims to
be a drop-in replacement for the various scripts and templates that exist
in the Ironic devstack plugin for creating VMs to act as bare metal nodes
in development and test environments. Similar code exists in Bifrost and
TripleO, and probably other places too. By focusing on one project, we can
ensure that it works well, and provides all the features necessary as
support for bare metal in the cloud evolves.

That's tenks the concept. Tenks in reality today is a working version 1.0,
written in Ansible, built by Will Miller (w-miller) during his summer
placement. Will has returned to his studies, and Will Szumski (jovial) has
picked it up. You don't have to be called Will to work on Tenks, but it

There are various resources available for anyone wishing to find out more:

* Ironic spec review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/579583
* Documentation: https://tenks.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
* Source code: https://github.com/stackhpc/tenks
* Blog: https://stackhpc.com/tenks.html
* IRC: mgoddard or jovial in #openstack-ironic

What does everyone think? Is this something that the ironic community could
or should take ownership of?


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