Hello Doug,

thanks for your explanation. I was a little bit confused by changes to 
stable branches with python3-first topic as I thought it has to do 
something with adding new test configuration for python3.

But as you explained this is about moving zuul-related configuration, 
which is a part of python3-first goal (but it is not related to 
supporting python3 by projects IMHO :) )

Anyway, it is now clear to me and sorry for making this confusion.


Dariusz Krol

On 9/28/18 6:05 PM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
> Dariusz Krol <d.k...@samsung.com> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I'm specifically referring to branches mentioned in:
>> https://github.com/openstack/goal-tools/blob/4125c31e74776a7dc6a15d2276ab51ff3e73cd16/goal_tools/python3_first/jobs.py#L54
> I'm still not entirely sure what you're saying is happening that you do
> not expect to have happening, but I'll take a guess.
> The zuul migration portion of the goal work needs to move *all* of the
> Zuul settings for a repo into the correct branch because after the
> migration the job settings will no longer be in project-config at all
> and so zuul won't know which jobs to run on the stable branches if we
> haven't imported the settings.
> The migration script tries to figure out which jobs apply to which
> branches of each repo by looking at the branch specifier settings in
> project-config, and then it creates an import patch for each branch with
> the relevant jobs. Subsequent steps in the script change the
> documentation and release notes jobs and then add new python 3.6 testing
> jobs. Those steps only apply to the master branch.
> So, if you have a patch importing a python 3 job setting to a stable
> branch of a repo where you aren't expecting it (and it isn't supported),
> that's most likely because project-config has no branch specifiers for
> the job (meaning it should run on all branches). We did find several
> cases where that was true because projects added jobs without branch
> specifiers after the branches were created, and then back-ported no
> patches to the stable branch. See
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/133594.html
> for details.
> Doug
>> I hope this helps.
>> Best,
>> Dariusz Krol
>> On 09/27/2018 06:04 PM, Ben Nemec wrote:
>>> On 9/27/18 10:36 AM, Doug Hellmann wrote:
>>>> Dariusz Krol <d.k...@samsung.com> writes:
>>>>> Hello Champions :)
>>>>> I work on the Trove project and we are wondering if python3 should be
>>>>> supported in previous releases as well?
>>>>> Actually this question was asked by Alan Pevec from the stable branch
>>>>> maintainers list.
>>>>> I saw you added releases up to ocata to support python3 and there are
>>>>> already changes on gerrit waiting to be merged but after reading [1] I
>>>>> have my doubts about this.
>>>> I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say "added releases up to
>>>> ocata" here. Can you link to the patches that you have questions about?
>>> Possibly the zuul migration patches for all the stable branches? If
>>> so, those don't change the status of python 3 support on the stable
>>> branches, they just split the zuul configuration to make it easier to
>>> add new python 3 jobs on master without affecting the stable branches.
>>>>> Could you elaborate why it is necessary to support previous releases ?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Dariusz Krol
>>>>> [1] https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html
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