On 09/26/2018 01:55 PM, Tim Bell wrote:
Thanks for raising this. I'd like to highlight the goal "Finish moving legacy
python-*client CLIs to python-openstackclient" from the etherpad and propose this
for a T/U series goal.
To give it some context and the motivation:
At CERN, we have more than 3000 users of the OpenStack cloud. We write an
extensive end user facing documentation which explains how to use the OpenStack
along with CERN specific features (such as workflows for requesting
One regular problem we come across is that the end user experience is
inconsistent. In some cases, we find projects which are not covered by the
unified OpenStack client (e.g. Manila). In other cases, there are subsets of
the function which require the native project client.
I would strongly support a goal which targets
- All new projects should have the end user facing functionality fully exposed
via the unified client
- Existing projects should aim to close the gap within 'N' cycles (N to be
- Many administrator actions would also benefit from integration (reader roles
are end users too so list and show need to be covered too)
- Users should be able to use a single openrc for all interactions with the
cloud (e.g. not switch between password for some CLIs and Kerberos for OSC)
The end user perception of a solution will be greatly enhanced by a single
command line tool with consistent syntax and authentication framework.
It may be a multi-release goal but it would really benefit the cloud consumers
and I feel that goals should include this audience also.
It's also worth noting that we're REALLY close to a 1.0 of openstacksdk
(all the patches are in flight, we just need to land them) - and once
we've got that we'll be in a position to start shifting
python-openstackclient to using openstacksdk instead of python-*client.
This will have the additional benefit that, once we've migrated CLIs to
python-openstackclient as per this goal, and once we've migrated
openstackclient itself to openstacksdk, the number of different
libraries one needs to install to interact with openstack will be
_dramatically_ lower.
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Hellmann <d...@doughellmann.com>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)"
Date: Wednesday, 26 September 2018 at 18:00
To: openstack-dev <openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org>, openstack-operators
<openstack-operat...@lists.openstack.org>, openstack-sigs
Subject: [openstack-dev] [goals][tc][ptl][uc] starting goal selection for T
It's time to start thinking about community-wide goals for the T series.
We use community-wide goals to achieve visible common changes, push for
basic levels of consistency and user experience, and efficiently improve
certain areas where technical debt payments have become too high -
across all OpenStack projects. Community input is important to ensure
that the TC makes good decisions about the goals. We need to consider
the timing, cycle length, priority, and feasibility of the suggested
If you are interested in proposing a goal, please make sure that before
the summit it is described in the tracking etherpad [1] and that you
have started a mailing list thread on the openstack-dev list about the
proposal so that everyone in the forum session [2] has an opportunity to
consider the details. The forum session is only one step in the
selection process. See [3] for more details.
[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/community-goals
[2] https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/vote-for-speakers#/22814
[3] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/index.html
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