Excerpts from Matthew Treinish's message of 2018-09-13 23:21:43 -0400:
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 10:09:26AM +0900, Ian Y. Choi wrote:
> > When I test PDF builds on current nova repo with master branch, it seems
> > that the rst document is too big
> > (876 pages with error) and more dealing with overcoming memory problems
> > was needed.
> > I would like to think how to overcome this, but it would be also nice if
> > someone shares advices or comments on this.
> Hmm, I wasn't able to even get that far. When I tried a vanilla pdf build
> from nova master it only compiled 540 pages before it errored out on capacity
> exceeded. I know that the limit is adjustable in a config file, but I'm not
> sure if there is a more dynamic method for adjusting it.

The content is organized into sections based on audience/purpose now
(install, user, api, etc.). The latex builder supports extracting
different sections of the content to create separate output files by
starting at a different root file. I wonder if that's another reasonable
approach for us to take here?


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