
fog-openstack 0.2.0 was recently released, which had less than optimal
effects on Chef OpenStack due to the client cookbook's lack of version
pinning on the gem.

The crucial change is that fog-openstack itself now determines
Identity API versions internally, in preparation for a versionless
Keystone endpoint. Chef OpenStack has carried code for Identity API
determination for years, to facilitate migrating from Identity v2.0 to
Identity v3. Unfortunately, those two methods became at odds with the
release of fog-openstack 0.2.

At the time of this writing, PR #421
(https://github.com/fog/fog-openstack/pull/421) has been merged, but
there is no new release on rubygems.org as of yet. That is likely to
happen Very Soon(tm).

On the home front, with the help of Roger Luethi and Christoph Albers,
we've introduced version constraints to the client cookbook to pin the
gem to 0.1.x. At present, we've merged constraints for master,
stable/queens and stable/pike.

The new release was primed to go into ChefDK 3.2 had it not been
brought up sooner. Thank you to everyone who gave a heads-up!



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