Below is the list of project teams that have not yet started migrating
their zuul configuration. If you're ready to go, please respond to this
email to let us know so we can start proposing patches.


| adjutant            | 3 repos   |
| barbican            | 5 repos   |
| Chef OpenStack      | 19 repos  |
| cinder              | 6 repos   |
| cloudkitty          | 5 repos   |
| I18n                | 2 repos   |
| Infrastructure      | 158 repos |
| loci                | 1 repos   |
| nova                | 6 repos   |
| OpenStack Charms    | 80 repos  |
| Packaging-rpm       | 4 repos   |
| Puppet OpenStack    | 47 repos  |
| Quality Assurance   | 22 repos  |
| Telemetry           | 8 repos   |
| trove               | 5 repos   |

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

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