Hello Kendall,

Thanks for your reply, that sounds awesome!
We can then dig around and see how everything looks when all project bugs are imported to stories.

I see no issues with being able to move to Storyboard anytime soon if the feedback for
moving is positive.

Best regards

On 08/14/2018 09:06 PM, Kendall Nelson wrote:

The error you hit can be resolved by adding launchpadlib to your tox.ini if I recall correctly..

also, if you'd like, I can run a test migration of puppet's launchpad projects into our storyboard-dev db (where I've done a ton of other test migrations) if you want to see how it looks/works with a larger db. Just let me know and I can kick it off.

As for a time to migrate, if you all are good with it, we usually schedule for Friday's so there is even less activity. Its a small project config change and then we just need an infra core to kick off the script once the change merges.

-Kendall (diablo_rojo)

On Tue, Aug 14, 2018 at 9:33 AM Tobias Urdin <tobias.ur...@binero.se <mailto:tobias.ur...@binero.se>> wrote:

    Hello all incredible Puppeters,

    I've tested setting up an Storyboard instance and test migrated
    puppet-ceph and it went without any issues there using the
    [1] [2]
    with just one minor issue during the SB setup [3].

    My goal is that we will be able to swap to Storyboard during the
    cycle but considering that we have a low activity on
    bugs my opinion is that we could do this swap very easily anything
    as long as everybody is in favor of it.

    Please let me know what you think about moving to Storyboard?
    If everybody is in favor of it we can request a migration to infra
    according to documentation [2].

    I will continue to test the import of all our project while people
    collecting their thoughts and feedback :)

    Best regards

    [2] https://docs.openstack.org/infra/storyboard/migration.html
    [3] It failed with an error about launchpadlib not being installed,
    solved with `tox -e venv pip install launchpadlib`

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